Rick Drew Things


Posted in Cartoons, Logos by Rick Martin on 08/25/2009

Might as well keep the cat theme going this week, so I went with Heathcliff -mainly because I’ve always loved that logo and really wanted to draw it. After I scanned it I realized I should just add some color to it. Doing so, I found a quicker way to add color in Illustrator; so now that I know how easy it is, I will be adding color to a lot more of these drawings in the future.


Posted in Cartoons by Rick Martin on 08/24/2009

As a kid I watched a ton of “Tiny Toon Adventures”; which was basically kid versions of Looney Tunes characters. This is Furrball, who clearly resembles Sylvester; he was one of my favorite characters on the show. It’s always interested me how so many cartoon cats are drawn with tape, (or bandage?) around their tale. It’s amazing how that little detail will automatically make the character appear more rugged.


Posted in Cartoons by Rick Martin on 08/23/2009

One of first characters I started drawing when I was young was good ol’ Garfield, so I can definitely say my style is heavily influenced by Jim Davis’ characters.

I actually drew a picture of Garfield and Odie on a 3rd grade “create-a-calendar” project (which is basically a frame for those mini desktop calendars), and it has remained on my parents’ fridge for the past 15 years, updated with the current year’s calendar. It’s amazing what a laminated piece of paper can withstand.


Posted in Caricatures by Rick Martin on 08/22/2009

If it were up to me I would give you a hug (or high-five) every time you visit my blog. However since that is impossible; please accept this virtual ‘Thank You’ from my cartoon self.
This blog began as just a little side-project, and has quickly turned into a surprising source of daily motivation. I look forward to continuing this project, and I encourage you to leave feedback on anything you may like (or dislike).

Prognosis Progress

Posted in Lettering, Music by Rick Martin on 08/21/2009

One of my favorite albums so far of 2009 is Never Better, by rapper P.O.S. There is a song on the album titled “Low Light Low Life” which features 3 of his fellow Doomtree members. The first rapper on the song is Sims, whose lyrics are always quite clever, as well as thought-provoking. In this case, he is commenting on big business, and every time I hear this line it makes me think of how I literally watched Strongsville blow up over the years; and it primarily stemmed from a big-ass mall.


Posted in Cartoons by Rick Martin on 08/20/2009

I was wearing my Underdog shirt today, and I realized I don’t think I’ve ever drawn him before. If I had a mascot, I’m sure he would be most fitting. I’ve been the underdog my whole life, and living in Cleveland I have become accustomed to always routing for the underdog as well. However, he proves there’s something to be said about determination; I hope to do the same thing.

I Love Nerds

Posted in Logos by Rick Martin on 08/19/2009

Easily some of the best candy I have ever had in my life. Good Lord. They were called “Bumpy Jelly Beans” or something along those lines during Easter, and I was hoping they would keep them going year-round. Needless to say it was a joyous moment when I saw this package screaming at me in Giant Eagle.


Posted in Lettering, Logos by Rick Martin on 08/18/2009

My newest roommate, Murphy. He is one of the coolest cats I’ve met. It’s a shame he had to piss on my bed though, because that kind of hurt his coolness momentarily.


Posted in Logos, Uncategorized by Rick Martin on 08/17/2009

Macintosh iFruits 1.0

I Can Relate…

Posted in Lettering, Music by Rick Martin on 08/16/2009

My close friend and hip-hop artist Mike Wood (a.k.a Loki) is about to release his debut solo album, entitled “Chillin’ In The Moment”. I have been working on the artwork for the album cover recently, which means I have been listening to the CD non-stop. He is incredibly talented and anyone with an appreciation for hard work, honest lyrics, laid-back beats, or just hip-hop in general, will love this album. I can’t wait for the public to hear it.
Anyway, the first drawing is a line of his, and the second drawing is another line from Brother Ali’s song “Begin Here”. I totally relate to both lines personally, and I listened to both songs today; which would explain why when I sat down to draw today, these came out.

Cloud Face

Posted in Lettering, Logos, Music by Rick Martin on 08/15/2009

I have been listening to this hip-hop instrumental album I found at a blog called “Secrets of the Invisible” by a producer named Cloud Face. I don’t know much about him, other than the album, as well as the album-cover are incredible. I was originally just going to do the lettering, however I got lost in it, and just started pulling different elements from the cover. This drawing refreshed my memory as to how much I like drawing with fine-point sharpies; so expect to see this blog become a little more colorful in the future.
Click here to see the album cover.

Who Says I’m Strange?

Posted in Lettering by Rick Martin on 08/14/2009

I may not know your name, but does that automatically make you strange? If so, then I am just as strange to you; which seems a little strange to me.
(I realize this is far from a good drawing, however it is 4:00 in the morning, and I’m going to bed; whether I like the drawing or not)

Southpaw Celebration

Posted in Lettering by Rick Martin on 08/13/2009

Today is Left-Handers’ Day 2009, and I had to draw something related. To be completely honest, I was unaware of this holiday until this morning when my dad informed me, with a “Happy Lefty Day” voicemail. (Thanks Dad!)
Here is a link to the official Left-Handers’ Day website.
“Since the right hemisphere of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right minds”

The Naked Truth

Posted in Lettering, Music by Rick Martin on 08/12/2009

Easily one of the most powerful and inspiring rappers out right now (or ever for that matter) is Brother Ali. He is incredibly honest, and incredibly wise. A song off of his newest album called “Begin Here” has this line in it; and every time I hear it I just wish the whole world could grasp and embrace this truth.
Here is a link to the song on YouTube.


Posted in Cartoons by Rick Martin on 08/11/2009

This is one of the Dino-Mights from the old video-game Bubble Bobble. As a kid I always borrowed it from our neighbors. I absolutely loved it; the characters, the music, and the simple fact that it was endless. The whole point of the game was to capture all of the enemies inside the bubbles which would then turn into fruit or power-ups. I love the simplicity of old-school video games so much that if they never made a new system I wouldn’t mind at all. I’m more than content with my NES, SNES, and N64.
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Sideshow Varejao

Posted in Cartoons, Cleveland by Rick Martin on 08/10/2009

I felt like keeping the Cavs/Simpsons theme going, so here’s another obvious connection. Show me someone who doesn’t see the resemblance in Sideshow Bob & Anderson Varejao, and I’ll show you my Harvard degree.


Posted in Cartoons, Cleveland by Rick Martin on 08/09/2009

If Moe Szysak (bartender in the Simpsons) had a favorite basketball player; who would it be?
Why, Mo Williams of course.

Delonte West

Posted in Cleveland by Rick Martin on 08/08/2009

Delonte West is one of the best personalities I’ve seen in the NBA. I began this drawing during the playoffs last season, and I forgot about it until I watched a video online of him freestyling in his car at a KFC. The Cavs were already the most fun team to watch, and now that we added Shaq-Diesel, (who just happens to be the most entertaining personality in professional sports) I cannot even imagine what these guys will be doing next season.
Here is a link to the KFC freestyle video.
“I don’t know you, you can do the brew. I do the biscuits and the mashed potatoes too.”

Me & My Girlfriend

Posted in Lettering by Rick Martin on 08/07/2009

Without even exchanging words, she knows exactly how I feel, and how to make me feel better. She never thinks I’m weird, and she sticks with me through the good [drawings] and the bad. I’ve spent so many nights devoting all of my attention to her that it only makes sense to go ahead and make it official.

Log! Log! Log!

Posted in Cartoons, Logos by Rick Martin on 08/06/2009

I was watching some old Ren & Stimpy recently, and I was reminded of just how much I watched it as a kid. The style of humor on the show matched mine dead on. Also, it’s amazing to see just how influenced modern cartoons are by it. Spongebob & Flapjack both use similar facial expressions, gestures, and overall obscurity. Anyway, Ren & Stimpy always had fake commercials, and one of my favorites is for Log.
“What’s great for a snack, and fits on your back? It’s Log, Log, Log!”
Click here to watch the Log commercial.

Timmy Turner

Posted in Cartoons by Rick Martin on 08/05/2009

The Fairly Oddparents is such a good cartoon. Caught the end of an episode today, and knew I would be drawing something from it. The simplistic shapes and heavy outlines make the characters so crisp and vibrant. The voices are also top notch, especially his real-world father.


Posted in Cartoons by Rick Martin on 08/04/2009

One of my favorite “new-school” cartoons is Chowder. The characters, the intro, the backgrounds, the textures, the voices, you name it; it’s awesome. I was working on something today with the show on in the background, and even without watching the TV I was laughing out loud at it. That is the reason for this drawing; because hearing a slew of Chowder screams and burps was one of the highlights of my day, and I’ve never drawn him before.

Bring Da Ruckus

Posted in Logos, Music by Rick Martin on 08/03/2009

One of the most powerful, and influential hip-hop groups in history is the Wu-Tang Clan. I think they have one of the most recognizable, and effective logos, as well. They alter it slightly to represent individual members, for instance upside town it’s an ‘M’ for Method Man, add a similar K and it is ‘MK’ for Masta Killa, on it’s side it is an ‘E’ inside Inspectah Deck, simplified down to a ‘U’ for U-God, and on it’s side with a minor addition, it is a ‘G’ for The GZA. I believe I will be drawing all of those logos together in the near future.


Posted in Cartoons, Logos by Rick Martin on 08/02/2009

Lemonheads are a classic candy, and the mascot character is just as classic. After visiting their website and seeing retro packaging, I noticed the same character has represented them since their creation in 1962, with the only changes being a new stylized graphic approach.

Creative Cat

Posted in Cartoons by Rick Martin on 08/01/2009

I was sitting on my couch today, and saw the box for Cranium in the closet. I really like the little characters they have in the game, and will probably end up drawing all four eventually. This is Creative Cat, who represents the “Sketching & Sculpting” category.

Cleveland RTA

Posted in Cleveland by Rick Martin on 08/01/2009

Went to the Indians game tonight with some buddies of mine. We took the RTA Rapid down to Tower City in order to avoid driving/parking, and as we were riding back I spent a good amount of time looking at the transit map. I’ve found that anything I end up spending a lot of time observing is what I will most likely end up wanting to draw later on. I was originally planning on adding the other routes, however the Red Line is the only one I’ve ever really ridden, not to mention it’s almost 4:00 in the morning, and I’m ready to crash.

Use Your Head

Posted in Lettering, Music by Rick Martin on 07/30/2009

Last night Incubus singer Brandon Boyd was wearing a shirt with “Make Believe Not War” on the front. I had never heard or seen that saying anywhere before, so as soon as I saw it, I knew I would be drawing it.

Old Incubus Logo

Posted in Logos, Music by Rick Martin on 07/29/2009

In anticipation for the Incubus concert tonight I did a quick sketch of one of their old logos from the Fungus Amongus album. I was rushing this whole drawing, which is never a good idea, but oh well. There’s a slight chance I might go back and fix the inconsistencies, but then again, I might just leave it as is. I’m too pumped for the show.

Honey Nut Cheerios

Posted in Cartoons by Rick Martin on 07/28/2009

Not much of a reason behind this one. I’ve just always really liked the character. It doesn’t hurt that the cereal is ridiculously delicious either.

The Ultimate Pitchman

Posted in Caricatures by Rick Martin on 07/27/2009

“Billy Mays here, for Rick’s Blog…”
I always liked Billy Mays’ positivity and his energy, (not to mention his phenomenal beard) however it wasn’t until after watching the show Pitchmen, that I realized how great of a guy he really was. After seeing his work ethic, and his dedication to his family, I became a huge fan of his. We often lose the truly good people far too early, and he is no exception. This is my ode to The Ultimate Pitchman. Rest in Peace, Billy.

The Big F’n Drink

Posted in Cartoons, Logos by Rick Martin on 07/26/2009

Recently when I became drastically thirsty, I told my friends I needed a “Big F-n Drink”, this quickly became BFD, and the reference was instantly tied to the old children’s story “The BFG” (Big Friendly Giant).

Dealer’s Choice

Posted in Logos by Rick Martin on 07/25/2009

Saw an old board game that my brother found on Ebay today as we were moving some stuff into his new house. The game’s lettering was pretty rad, which is why I had to draw it.

Incubus Lyrics

Posted in Lettering, Music by Rick Martin on 07/24/2009

Next Wednesday I am going to see Incubus in concert, and because of that a current Incubus binge is in progress.

Coraline’s Dad

Posted in Cartoons, Logos by Rick Martin on 07/23/2009

Watched the movie Coraline the other night and took a liking to the character designs immediately. As a kid I used to watch cartoons and pause them to draw the characters, so it’s only fitting I return to my roots to begin this project.