Rick Drew Things

Don’t Drink the Ink

Posted in Real Things by Rick Martin on 09/30/2009


Who needs a fancy desk-organizer or pencil-holder when you’ve got a Snoopy mug?

Snoopy Wants Supper

Posted in Cartoons by Rick Martin on 09/29/2009


One of my favorite artists ever is Charles Schulz, creator of the Peanuts gang. Not only am I influenced by his art, but I’ve read a lot about his life, and consider him one of my role-models. He based the entire series after his own life, with Charlie being a representation of himself, and his personal relationships (for example, he also had a crush on “a little red-headed girl”). Anyway, I was looking through one of my many Peanuts books today, when I saw this image and immediately began drawing it.


Posted in Logos by Rick Martin on 09/24/2009


One of the very few brand names I use on the daily. I love their logo, it’s perfect.

Soul Brother Number One

Posted in Caricatures, Music by Rick Martin on 09/23/2009


If you ask me (and a lot of others) the most influential person on hip-hop is the late Godfather of Soul, James Brown. Whether it is DJs and producers sampling his music for songs and break-beats, MC’s using the “call-and-response” style lyrics he made popular, or break-dancers influenced by his footwork; his influence on the culture and the artform is undeniable.

Click here to see a list of songs which have sampled James Brown’s music.

Sketch Book Economics

Posted in Real Things by Rick Martin on 09/22/2009


Picked up a new sketch book at Walmart today, for only $3.92. And for some reason instead of drawing on the inside of it, I decided to draw the outside of it.

Round Robin

Posted in Logos, Picture-Book by Rick Martin on 09/21/2009



One of my most read picture-books as a kid was Round Robin written & illustrated by Jack Kent. I really love the fat little bird, and the simple drawing-style Jack uses is beautiful.

Calvin & Hobbes

Posted in Cartoons, Logos by Rick Martin on 09/20/2009


A childhood favorite of mine. Calvin’s imagination is incredible.

The Dino’s Debut

Posted in Real Things by Rick Martin on 09/19/2009


The very first Yoshi game for regular Nintendo was awesome. It’s a tetris-style puzzle game, where you stack items inside of egg-shells in order to hatch Yoshis. Very simple, but that’s the brilliance in it. I recently replaced a part in our old system and it works like a charm now. (With maybe a friendly cartridge blow or two)

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Posted in Real Things by Rick Martin on 09/18/2009


When I was your age iPods only had 2 GB of memory and just played music.

Ritzy Food

Posted in Logos, Real Things by Rick Martin on 09/17/2009


Since you are what you eat, I’m not insulted when someone calls me a cracker.

Presidential Insight

Posted in Lettering by Rick Martin on 09/16/2009

Thanks George!

I have a calendar that displays a different “Dumbest Things Ever Said” quote every day. This was yesterday’s quote, and it is priceless.  Thanks for the heads-up George!


Posted in Logos, Real Things by Rick Martin on 09/15/2009


My trusty kicks. The Converse letters are much too short, but when you’re drawing with Sharpie, once you commit you’re pretty much locked in.

New Home

Posted in Uncategorized by Rick Martin on 09/14/2009


After transferring everything from Blogger to WordPress,

I am very happy I did so. They have much cleaner and easier menus.


Posted in Lettering, Music by Rick Martin on 09/13/2009

I love this line. It’s from the Dilated Peoples song “Big Business”.
The song is just one long verse by the very prolific Rakaa Iriscience,
commenting on the government, and the shadiness within it.

The Admiral

Posted in Caricatures by Rick Martin on 09/12/2009
David Robinson, the final ’09 Hall-of-Famer I will be drawing.
He was one of the best overall centers in the league’s history.
He absolutely dominated the boards, plus he was one of the
most humble and hard-working athletes I’ve seen. There needs
to be more NBA players as passionate, and determined as him,
in my opinion.
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Johnny Boy

Posted in Caricatures by Rick Martin on 09/11/2009
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His Airness

Posted in Caricatures by Rick Martin on 09/11/2009

Michael Jordan was inducted into the Hall of Fame today.
I haven’t drawn MJ since I was a kid, so this was a nice
throw-back. He is the best to ever play the game, and anyone
that disagrees is probably from Cleveland and hasn’t forgiven
him for crushing our hopes back in ’89 with ‘The Shot’.
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Posted in Real Things by Rick Martin on 09/10/2009

This thing is sitting next to me every night as I draw,
so I thought I’d show it some love.

Stand Your Ground

Posted in Lettering by Rick Martin on 09/09/2009

Not sure what made me draw this. Although I did
have a hard time learning how to stand up for myself
when I was younger.


Posted in Lettering by Rick Martin on 09/08/2009

Just a random thought.

So Run, Run.

Posted in Cleveland, Lettering, Music by Rick Martin on 09/07/2009

I was listening to some Bone Thugs tonight as I was drawing.
Specifically, the title-track from their album E. 1999.

8-Bit Mario

Posted in Cartoons by Rick Martin on 09/06/2009

What better to draw on graph paper than the characters
they created with the 8-bit graphic power of the original
Nintendo. This is Mario as he appears in “Super Mario Bros. 3.”

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An Amish Demon?

Posted in Uncategorized by Rick Martin on 09/05/2009

I have absolutely no reasoning behind this one. I just started filling in squares and this is what I came up with. Some sort of angry amish moose-demon, I suppose.

New Notebook

Posted in Lettering by Rick Martin on 09/04/2009

I ran out of open pages in my sketchbooks, so I started using an old notebook I found in my room. The notebook is graph paper, which is awesome.

Sunkist. Yes.

Posted in Lettering by Rick Martin on 09/03/2009

Go to the pop-aisle at your local store, and purchase some Sunkist Cherry Limeade. Trust me.

The Pharcyde

Posted in Cartoons, Music by Rick Martin on 09/02/2009

I was flipping through one of my Far Side books tonight, when I saw this dog wearing headphones and I immediately began drawing it. Once I drew him I realized he needed an ipod. Subsequently, he needed to be listening to something. So what better than The Pharcyde, (pronounced “Far Side”) a 90’s hip-hop group from Cali.

Click here to watch their video for “Runnin”


Posted in Cartoons by Rick Martin on 09/01/2009

Disney just bought Marvel Entertainment for $4 billion. My first thought was how crazy the next comic-film’s budget is going to be (!) and my second thought was how funny some comic-book characters would look with a Disney twist. So I went ahead and drew Spidey+Mickey, and Venom+Goofy. I suspect I will come back to this theme in the future; because I had a lot of fun with this one.