Rick Drew Things

Merry Christmas!

Posted in Uncategorized by Rick Martin on 12/25/2009

I have been quite distracted and busy with the hustle and bustle of the holidays and have been slacking on this blog, so I promised myself I will be getting back on track shortly.

Until I get back on track, I wanted to post this in the mean-time. This is a drawing I made for my grandparents a long time ago which my dad found in their house. If I had to guess, I would say this is probably from 3rd or 4th grade. I thought it was quite fitting to put it up, as my Christmas drawing.

A few interesting points about this drawing:

1. I clearly hated wasting time coloring things in with my Magic Markers, because everything is either an outline, or a lazy scribble.

2. I didn’t understand the concept of erasing the pencil lines once I went over them in marker. (Evident in Santa’s torso. He went from slim to massive)

3. My obsession with basketball was obviously starting, since Santa’s rocking some kick-ass Nikes.


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