Rick Drew Things

Soul Brother Number One

Posted in Caricatures, Music by Rick Martin on 09/23/2009


If you ask me (and a lot of others) the most influential person on hip-hop is the late Godfather of Soul, James Brown. Whether it is DJs and producers sampling his music for songs and break-beats, MC’s using the “call-and-response” style lyrics he made popular, or break-dancers influenced by his footwork; his influence on the culture and the artform is undeniable.

Click here to see a list of songs which have sampled James Brown’s music.

The Admiral

Posted in Caricatures by Rick Martin on 09/12/2009
David Robinson, the final ’09 Hall-of-Famer I will be drawing.
He was one of the best overall centers in the league’s history.
He absolutely dominated the boards, plus he was one of the
most humble and hard-working athletes I’ve seen. There needs
to be more NBA players as passionate, and determined as him,
in my opinion.
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Johnny Boy

Posted in Caricatures by Rick Martin on 09/11/2009
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His Airness

Posted in Caricatures by Rick Martin on 09/11/2009

Michael Jordan was inducted into the Hall of Fame today.
I haven’t drawn MJ since I was a kid, so this was a nice
throw-back. He is the best to ever play the game, and anyone
that disagrees is probably from Cleveland and hasn’t forgiven
him for crushing our hopes back in ’89 with ‘The Shot’.
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Posted in Caricatures by Rick Martin on 08/22/2009

If it were up to me I would give you a hug (or high-five) every time you visit my blog. However since that is impossible; please accept this virtual ‘Thank You’ from my cartoon self.
This blog began as just a little side-project, and has quickly turned into a surprising source of daily motivation. I look forward to continuing this project, and I encourage you to leave feedback on anything you may like (or dislike).

The Ultimate Pitchman

Posted in Caricatures by Rick Martin on 07/27/2009

“Billy Mays here, for Rick’s Blog…”
I always liked Billy Mays’ positivity and his energy, (not to mention his phenomenal beard) however it wasn’t until after watching the show Pitchmen, that I realized how great of a guy he really was. After seeing his work ethic, and his dedication to his family, I became a huge fan of his. We often lose the truly good people far too early, and he is no exception. This is my ode to The Ultimate Pitchman. Rest in Peace, Billy.