Rick Drew Things

The Site Moved!!

Posted in Uncategorized by Rick Martin on 01/07/2010

click here… rickdrawsthings.com

From now on, everything will be posted to the new site.

However, until I find a way to successfully transfer everything

from WordPress to Tumblr, everything that is on this site will remain here.

By the way, thanks for visiting!

Merry Christmas!

Posted in Uncategorized by Rick Martin on 12/25/2009

I have been quite distracted and busy with the hustle and bustle of the holidays and have been slacking on this blog, so I promised myself I will be getting back on track shortly.

Until I get back on track, I wanted to post this in the mean-time. This is a drawing I made for my grandparents a long time ago which my dad found in their house. If I had to guess, I would say this is probably from 3rd or 4th grade. I thought it was quite fitting to put it up, as my Christmas drawing.

A few interesting points about this drawing:

1. I clearly hated wasting time coloring things in with my Magic Markers, because everything is either an outline, or a lazy scribble.

2. I didn’t understand the concept of erasing the pencil lines once I went over them in marker. (Evident in Santa’s torso. He went from slim to massive)

3. My obsession with basketball was obviously starting, since Santa’s rocking some kick-ass Nikes.


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Berry Surprising…

Posted in Lettering, Uncategorized by Rick Martin on 12/08/2009

Recently, while killing time on Twitter, I saw that a buddy of mine, Matt Kowalski (a.k.a. @MKowalksi328) was following someone called @OMGFacts. I was very happy to learn that they post interesting or hard-to-believe facts everyday. I love randomness. So thanks Matt, for indirectly introducing me to OMGFacts, because I’m sure I will be illustrating more of them in the future.

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Bagel-Bag Beast

Posted in Uncategorized by Rick Martin on 12/04/2009

I was eating a bagel, looking at the bag clip, and I saw this guy.

AIDS Day 2009

Posted in Lettering, Uncategorized by Rick Martin on 12/01/2009

Today is World AIDS Day 2009. The National Aids Trust (NAT) has a current campaign titled Respect & Protect, which caught my eye on Google. Its founded on the idea that by respecting and protecting ourselves and others we can stop the spread of HIV and end HIV prejudice.

I’ll be the first to admit I am not extremely knowledgeable on HIV, however there are a few statistics that stood out to me as being overwhelming. One of them is the simple fact that over two million children under the age of 15 now live with the virus. Also, the majority of people with AIDS are not even being treated. With AIDS awareness growing in the past years, it is good to know people are doing their part to help Respect & Protect.

Click here to visit the NAT’s official site.

Thanksgiving Throwback

Posted in Uncategorized by Rick Martin on 11/26/2009

Click to enlarge.

Click to enlarge.

Recently, my dad found this Thanksgiving card I made for my grandparents over at their house. I’m guessing that this is from either second or third grade. I love looking at my old drawings, not only does it give me motivation to keep improving, but a lot of them are simply funny.

There are a number of things I find humorous about these drawings, which is why I wanted to share them…

1. Looney Tunes’ influence is already evident in my drawings at this age. (Hence the turkey’s expression)

2. The cleaver the turkey is scared of is a little intense for a kid’s imagination. (Not only is the blade dripping blood, but the tree stump is blood-stained as well.)

3. I clearly wasn’t in the mood to color the sky very thoroughly.

4. The second drawing sums up the “Story-book” idea they try to teach kids, totally sheltering them from the truth about Native Americans. But when you’re a kid, you believe what adults tell you, especially when they are teachers.

5. I obviously only knew how to draw t-shirts. Seeing as though both the pilgrim and the Indian are wearing them.

6. Crayola Magic Markers 8-packs don’t exactly give you skin-tones.

7. Apparently Indians greeted one another in English.

8. The Indian’s hairstyle is an exact replica of the character Bebop’s hair from Ninja Turtles (mohawk/pony-tail combo)

9. I’ve got to give myself credit for drawing a pretty damn good rifle.


Posted in Uncategorized by Rick Martin on 10/20/2009


I saw a ton of Halloween decorations when I was driving today,  so I’m not surprised that when I sat down to draw tonight this was the result.

Blog Action Day!

Posted in Uncategorized by Rick Martin on 10/15/2009


Today is Blog Action Day 2009!

Blog Action Day is an annual event held every October 15 that unites the world’s bloggers in posting about the same issue on the same day with the aim of sparking discussion around an issue of global importance. Blog Action Day 2009 will be one of the largest-ever social change events on the web.”

After reading up on this year’s topic, Climate Change, I decided to make my contribution a drawing, being that I speak better through my drawings than my words. In my research on the topic, I came across many surprising facts. One statistic that stood out to me was the one that sparked (and is displayed in) the drawing below (click the picture to view a larger size)…


Click here, for a list of other things you can do at home to help do your part!

New Home

Posted in Uncategorized by Rick Martin on 09/14/2009


After transferring everything from Blogger to WordPress,

I am very happy I did so. They have much cleaner and easier menus.

An Amish Demon?

Posted in Uncategorized by Rick Martin on 09/05/2009

I have absolutely no reasoning behind this one. I just started filling in squares and this is what I came up with. Some sort of angry amish moose-demon, I suppose.


Posted in Uncategorized by Rick Martin on 08/29/2009

At a drunken campfire, sometimes some weird shit happens.
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Cooler Incident

Posted in Uncategorized by Rick Martin on 08/28/2009

A certain cooler incident took place this weekend on our camping trip. Not a single beer was injured in the process, so no worries.
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Posted in Logos, Uncategorized by Rick Martin on 08/17/2009

Macintosh iFruits 1.0