Rick Drew Things

The Admiral

Posted in Caricatures by Rick Martin on 09/12/2009
David Robinson, the final ’09 Hall-of-Famer I will be drawing.
He was one of the best overall centers in the league’s history.
He absolutely dominated the boards, plus he was one of the
most humble and hard-working athletes I’ve seen. There needs
to be more NBA players as passionate, and determined as him,
in my opinion.
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Johnny Boy

Posted in Caricatures by Rick Martin on 09/11/2009
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His Airness

Posted in Caricatures by Rick Martin on 09/11/2009

Michael Jordan was inducted into the Hall of Fame today.
I haven’t drawn MJ since I was a kid, so this was a nice
throw-back. He is the best to ever play the game, and anyone
that disagrees is probably from Cleveland and hasn’t forgiven
him for crushing our hopes back in ’89 with ‘The Shot’.
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